What We Do

Beyond the Work is developing an eco-friendly, technologically-advanced, self-sustainable farm and educational center, our solution to the economic revitalization of our communities, the healing of minds and bodies, and generational wealth building through three pillars of work: 

  • Sustainable Housing & Ownership
  • Food sovereignty & technologically advanced agricultural practices
  • Culturally-relevant health education & healing practices

Through the building of our prototype, we are providing hands-on experience food justice education classes to the surrounding community. Specifically, we are addressing principles of regenerative agriculture, sustainable food growth, entrepreneurship, job training, financial literacy, and holistic health. We are working with schools across California, providing opportunities for students and their families to learn, heal, build themselves and build community. 

Our team is looking to build with partners whose work focuses on transforming communities through their own niche, so we may come together as a collective to build lasting change beyond ourselves. This is Beyond the Work.